Famous Daily 4 Texa´s Lottery daily games and draw take place everyday. Each prize goes up to a total of $500!
How to play Daily 4
Get a Daily 4 playslip from your favorite Texas Lottery ® retailer or create a play using the Texas Lottery App.
Pick four (4) single-digit numbers from “0” to “9” or mark the “QP” box and your numbers will be selected for you. OR, simply ask your lottery retailer for a “Quick Pick” and the terminal will pick all your numbers!
Select how you want to play your four (4) single-digit numbers:
Straight (Exact Order), Box (Any Order), Straight/Box (Exact/Any) Order, Combo or two (2) single-digit numbers for Front Pair, Mid Pair or Back Pair.
STRAIGHT (Exact Order) – You win if your numbers match the winning numbers in the exact order they are drawn.
BOX (Any Order) – You win if your numbers match the winning numbers in any order.
STRAIGHT/ BOX (Exact/Any Order) – For a little extra money, you can play both EXACT Order and ANY Order. You win if you match the winning numbers in Exact Order or in Any Order.
COMBO – Simply a convenient way to play all possible Straight (Exact Order) combinations on one ticket.
FRONT PAIR – You win if your numbers match in the exact order the first two numbers drawn.
MID PAIR – You win if your numbers match in the exact order the second and third numbers drawn.
BACK PAIR – You win if your numbers match in the exact order the last two numbers drawn.
You can play the same sets of numbers for more than one drawing. Mark the appropriate “MULTI-DRAW” box to play up to 24 consecutive drawings.
You can also play your Daily 4 numbers for a particular draw time. To play only morning, only day, only evening or only night drawings, mark the desired time (MORNING, DAY, EVENING, NIGHT) and select the desired number of drawings.
The Texas Lottery will draw one Daily 4 FIREBALL number from 0 to 9 after every Daily 4 drawing.
When you play FIREBALL, you can replace any one of the four drawn Daily 4 winning numbers with the Daily 4 FIREBALL number to create FIREBALL prize winning combinations.
If your selected numbers match one of the FIREBALL prize winning combinations, win a prize!
To add the FIREBALL feature to your play, mark the “YES” box. Adding FIREBALL doubles the cost of each Daily 4 board played.
Choose your play amount.
Daily 4 drawings are held every Monday – Saturday at 10:00 a.m., 12:27 p.m. , 6:00 p.m. and 10:12 p.m. CT.
Tickets are not available during Draw Break, from 9:50 – 10:03 a.m., 12:17 – 12:30 p.m., 5:50 – 6:03 p.m., 10:02 -10:15 p.m. CT.
- Use the Check Your Numbers feature via our website
- Check the “Winning Numbers & Jackpots” screen on the Texas Lottery App
- Scan your ticket using Check-a-Ticket machine at any licensed Texas Lottery Retailer
- Call 800-375-6886, listen for the results option
- Watch the live webcasts under the MORE INFO tab on the game page
- Check your local newspaper
- Visit any licensed Texas Lottery retail location

Daily 4 Texa´s Lottery results June 13th, 2022
You can check the results for Daily 4 here!